Kirkus Maximus!

Kirkus Maximus!

There are many reasons why writers choose to write. It can be because they love telling stories and because they use writing as a form of expression. It can sometimes be because they want to inform, educate and enlighten about a subject that isn’t popularly known or has been prone to misconceptions. It might be,…

“The author wrote the book beautifully, and it was engaging.”

Thank you to Reading_Jack for a wonderful 4-star review of Donny and Mary Grace’s California Adventures. Here is an excerpt: “Donny and Mary Grace’s California Adventure is a children’s book that features love, family, siblings’ affection, adventure, and mystery. The author wrote the book in the third person’s point of view and narrated the story beautifully….

Review of Donny and Mary Grace’s California Adventures

Review of Donny and Mary Grace’s California Adventures

Excited to share a wonderful review of Donny and Mary Grace’s California Adventures: A Grandma Gang Mystery by Online Book Club. The reviewer gave the book 4 out of 4 stars! The reviewer shared their favorite parts of the book and important learnings for readers, including this passage: “There’s a lot to take from this…